Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Judgment Day

Pamela Wagner says:

I have never commented on a blog before, but I have something on my mind I would like to share, that I believe many of us are thinking, but may find it in bad taste to say. Since being tactful has never been one of my blessings, here we go. I am sitting here thinking about how Ted Kennedy is doing today. Now that he is dead, he can no longer play politics and can no longer simply manipulate those around him through favors to his cronies or use of the Kennedy name. He is, right now, on the same playing field as every other child of God, standing before our Creator trying to justify the actions he has taken and the choices he has made in his life. Hmmmm . . . would not want to be in his shoes. I believe that we all reap what we sow. If this is true, then Mr. Kennedy will have to stand before God and the young girl he killed and try to justify her killing. He will have to stand before his forefathers and explain his unabashed mutilation of the Constitution they so lovingly and painstakenly created. He will have to stand before his prior constituants and be accountable for the horrific laws he pushed through Congress, and the misery these laws caused. He will also have to try to think of some way not to be sent to hell for his unwaivering support of Obama. Nope, I for one will not miss Mr. Kennedy. And, I certainly don't feel as though Mr. Kennedy's passing is the national tragedy being reported by the press. Rather, his passing is probably God's way of saying "enough is enough". All this being said, tonight I will pray for the repose of Mr. Kennedy's soul (its a Catholic thing) and will pray for those who loved him and are grieving. Loss of a loved one cannot and should not be trivialized or ridiculed, and my heart goes out to those who genuinely loved this man.

Pamela Wagner

1 comment:

Marjy said...

Thanks Pamela
I could not agree more. The hand wringing and grief being portrayed as they jockey for position to take his spot in the power circle, is appauling. I will say this, Mr. Kennedy was consistant. He attempted to manipulate the system to the very end by attempting to change Senatorial selection process that he orginally fought for under Republican Gov. Romney. So as it goes is life, may it be so in death. The time has come to pay the piper Teddy!