For your information - the Gov't run and sponsored: CASH FOR CLUNKERS had enough $$$ to last 4 months (so they said) but it was "broke" in 4 days. Now they are funding this program again .... Why you might ask ??????
Well you must first sign on through your computer to become eligible to participate in this CASH FOR CLUNKERS Program ..... Hum-m-m .... you might ask why ???? Because after you have filled in the screen completely up will bounce a screen that now tells you: " .... that all of your computers, telephones, cell phones and other electronic appliances are now the property of the U.S. Gov't and that these devices from here on will be continually monitored by the U.S. Gov't, many of it's agencies, all police agencies, even any foreign government agencies, and etc."
If you want to try this out borrow some one else's lap top (don't use yours, let them have the problem) this Gov't take-over of all the people of the U.S. is overwhelming. Speaking of Big Brother is watching!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobama said we would all get C-H-A-N-G-E, boy was he ever right .... is this what everyone who voted for Obama expected?
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