Friday, October 2, 2009

The Left and Roman

by: Kevin S.

Roman Polanski’s arrest gives us a great insight into who the left really are. We can use the Hollywood elite as a good example of the type of liberals that fills the rank and file of the Democratic left in this country. Just get online and look at the list of celebrities supporting this sick petifile. They are also the ones who said president Bush was taking away our freedoms, he was Hitler, he was listening to our phone call (all 300 million of us) everything bad in this country was his or Dick Cheney’s fault, never looking in the mirror to see who the real culprits were.

The reasons these people are given so much press in because from a young age they have learned to be perceived as someone other than who they really are. Most Hollywood left wingers are not that intelligent; they just come across that way because they have been taught how to communicate better than most of us in society. But if you really listen to them, really listen, you will find out what a bunch of blithering idiots they really are. Just because they make a ton of money doesn’t make them smart. Read interviews with Brad Pit, Harrison Ford and especially Sean Penn. They have no idea most of the time what they are talking about. They talk in platitudes just like Obama. That is why they support him so much, he is one of them. All wonderful sound bites with nothing to back them up, no facts just more feel good BS, which leads me back to Roman Polanski. If these great insightful Hollywood brains had read the transcript from the Polanski trial, I can’t imagine any of them supporting this vile pig. Who knows what kind of man he was before his wife and unborn child were viciously murder by Charles Manson and company but it is no excuse for what he did to a 13 year old girl. And if they have read the transcripts and still support this man, they are just as bad as he is.

Woopi Goldburg lead the charge this week with her “rape, rape” comment. I knew she was lacking in morals but this was just ridiculous. Welcome to the party that wants God out of everything in our lives. You see, you take God out of the picture and there are no moral boundaries for society to base its laws on. There’s no more right and wrong just what the left believe doesn’t hurt them, which is everything right of center right now. The Ten Commandments have no meaning to these people which is what are laws are based on. Take them away and hey, anything goes, rape, incest, NAMBLA, bestiality, marring you pet if you want, murder, nothing is off limits. Unfortunately what you’ll have left is anarchy and then we’re back to where we were 200+ years ago, revolution, but it will be our children and grandchildren fighting the good fight with their blood, not us fighting with our votes.

So the next time you see one of those celebrities on the TV telling you what they think, remember Roman Polanski, did they support him? If they did, what are you going to do? I know what I’ll do.

1 comment:

Marjy said...

Great blog Kevin,
I agree and I bet Whoopie and friends would to if it had been THIER daughter. These folks are happy to spit on our rights and morals until it affects them personally then they get indignant.
I'm with you and staying on FOX!