Friday, November 13, 2009

Juror Needed in New York

Today the White House announces that they are going to move the primary planner of the 9-11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and three of his accomplice's from Guantanamo Bay to New York to stand for a public trial.


First of all these detainees are "prisoners of war" and we are not required to do much of anything with them. Assuming there is an argument to be made for some kind of due process as a matter of closure for us, then it should be done with a Military Tribunal. A Tribunal is quick, efficient and best suited to handle the security interest of a case like this. Instead of handling them as the "war criminals" that they are, we are giving them access to our court system and giving them the right of our own citizens. These men have no defense and have gladly accepted blame and responsibility for killing more then 3000 Americans and the Mo hammed of the World Trade Center on 9-11. They have asked to die yet we want to drag them thru a public trial to what end? Attorney General, Eric Holder, states that he will ask for the death penalty but why bring them into our court system? It is a maneuver to put the former administration, the CIA and our country on trial not the terrorist. It puts a liberal judge in charge of criminals that pose a significant threat to national security. In this type of proceeding, the "defendants" will be entitled to Discovery including the military records, investigating techniques of the CIA, investigation documentation and other sensitive data that does not need to be put on public display. They will also be entitled to a trial by a jury of their piers. Where do you find a pool of individuals that have any of the basic values or experiences necessary to be considered a "pier"? In addition, how many people live in New York have no knowledge or preconceived opinion of the destruction of the towers to qualify them to be an objective jurist. At the least you would have to go to Washington DC to find that. Then there is the issue of the bill...yes, you will have the privlage of paying for their defense as well. It is just a few more million into the endless pit Washington calls "progress". During a time of war, we are taking war criminals onto our soil and treating them to the privilege of our legal system in a feeble attempt to look like the US is taking a stand on something. People will clammer to the press to offer their opinion on how we tortured these guys with water boarding and lack of TV, to get information that saved us from additional attacks. This maneuver of the White House through the Attorney General, is undermining our military's authority and is completely irresponsible and dangerous. The Commander and Chief of the military seems to be intent on dismantling them as well as the CIA. It is no wonder that moral is so low. Unfortunately we do not have a President that shares our commitment to our troops, our citizens and our way of life. He is one among us and we have to continue to fight these injustices on every front.

So in the meantime, the major planner of 9-11 and his bud's will be in the Big Apple just blocks away from the World Trade Center site. I am sure the case will be handled with all the sensitivity, competence and expertise we have seen in other high profile trials, OJ Simpson comes to mind but at least he was an American.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

It's All in a Word

First our heartfelt condolences to everyone that was affected by the attack on Thursday at Fort Hood in Killeen Tx. We stand in support and with prayers as they deal with loss, injury, trauma and the many questions about how this could happen on an Army post in Texas. We pray for comfort, healing, peace of mind and answers.

It is almost impossible to comprehend that we had a terrorist attack on our own by our own. What saddens me more is that the main stream media refuses to give an accurate description to the events of Thursday at Fort Hood. It's all in a word but words are powerful and they do have meaning. If the proper words are not used the entire meaning of the story is changed. We must accurately report situations like these for people to understand the scoop and significance of what has occured. If we don't understand the real story then will never be able to accurately exam it or prevent these things from happening in the future. As simple as it sounds, Dr. Phil McGraw is accurate when he says "You can't change what you dont acknowledge".

There is a reluctance to use the word "terrorist" or "terrorism". In some misguided attempt to be what they presieve as polite of politically correct, they fail to tell the truth. In the case of Fort Hood, this attitude cost 13 people thier lives. In part this starts with the top, Obama's decision to eliminate the use of phrases like "war on terror" which has lead to the media to soft shoe anything that appears to be a terrorist threat or deed. Another shining example of how Obama has lead the country into "La La Land". These people are real, the threat is real, the danger is obviously as close as our neighbor.

Let's look at the definitions:
terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act (the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear)

terrorist (a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities)

So to the list of accomplishments of Maj.Malik Hasan, a military doctor, a Muslim, a US born citizen, a college graduate, now add "Terrorist". I am grateful that we are not adding "martyr" to this list and the Major will be held accountable for his "hate crimes" (oh they probably wont call it that either)

What leads someone to this to become radical in thier beliefs to the point that they can seek out and kill their "brothers in arms" but have a moral issue with going over seas and killing Taliban / Al-Queda and other terrorist that plot against the US and it's citizens. I don't know but in my mind, I question all that refuse to see the situation for what it is. This starts with the Commander and Chief who unfortunatly is too sympethtic to the ones that want to see our demise. Obama has many of the same moral issues which carries down through the main stream media and throughout the govornment. Where is our American spine? This is not about religion, this is about a threat. Under any flag, religion or skin color, a threat to our own is a threat that should be called out and delt with in an honest mannor. Thank God for talk radio and Fox News that still have the ability to see the wrongs and use the proper words when reporting a story.

In the weeks to come, allot of opioning and finger pointing will be done. Hopefully we will begin to see "evil" and "truth" in the world around us and be empowered to change it. Each of us bears responsibility to see the truth, to use proper words, to protect ourselves and family. As the Fort Hood situation so tragically illustrates, you must be empowered with knowledge, understanding and a "skill at arms". This can happen anywhere.

This is an excerpt from Debra Medina, Candidate for Texas Governor....I thought it was right on point: Today though, beyond our shock, and beyond our grief, we must do something different. We must face the reality that this shooting underscores: It was not the first and it will not be the last. NO amount of military or police presence can protect us from an individual intent on doing harm. The protection of life, liberty and property must begin with us. We must be prepared to defend ourselves. In our earliest days as a country, Noah Webster recognized, "the whole body of the people are armed , and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, of any pretence, raised in the United States." Not even the greatest military can protect us. Everywhere, at all times, individuals must be prepared to defend themselves and their family. Do not be afraid, but be bold and courageous knowing that you have done all you can to protect yourself and your family. Take up arms, learn to use them and use them well. We will all be safer for it. Visit the Medina For Texas website at